
Guide to Managing Security and Compliance Risks Related to AI Meeting Assistants

Are your employees aware of the risks associated with AI assistants? This guide will help your organization navigate using AI assistants in meetings.



Are your employees aware of the security and compliance risks associated with AI meeting assistants? This guide will help your organization navigate the potential pitfalls of using AI assistants in online business meetings.

Understanding the Risks of AI Meeting Assistants

AI meeting assistants work 24/7 and never take a day off. Some are even free. They pledge to enhance productivity in online meetings by eliminating manual note-taking and enabling post-meeting analysis. The catch is that the AI assistant must record the meeting from start to finish. What could go wrong?

AI assistants may gain access to confidential business information and become potential sources of data breaches. They also collect and store personal data of meeting participants, raising concerns about data privacy and compliance with regulations such as the EU GDPR. 

Organizations should make informed decisions about when and how to use AI meeting assistants in online business meetings, while also taking steps to protect confidential information and maintain compliance with data privacy regulations.


Implementing Security Measures for AI Meeting Assistants

There are security measures organizations can take to mitigate the security risks associated with AI meeting assistants:

  • Supplier Review

    New AI agents should be vetted through a supplier security review process, like all third party services. This can be challenging, as employees may start using free agents without realizing the potential risks and need for review. A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) may also be required or recommended to identify privacy risks and plan mitigation prior to taking a new AI assistant into use. 


  • Meeting Platform Policies

    Even if no AI assistants are approved for internal use, they may show up in meetings with guest participants. Organizations can prevent external users from joining, or allow only identified users. This kind of strict policy will prevent AI agents from joining, but it may also be a blocker for day-to-day operations. Another approach to manage risk is to restrict the permissions of external users in meetings. It is important to talk to employees affected by these policy changes prior to implementing them, to understand the business impact of restricting online meeting participation. 

  • Access Control

    The final step in mitigating the security and privacy risks of using AI assistants is to actively manage how recordings and AI insights are stored and who can access them. Keeping access to a minimum and enabling additional security features, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and enterprise SSO logins, play an important role in protecting the confidentiality of meeting recordings and insights. 


Ensuring Compliance with Data Privacy Regulations

When employees use AI meeting assistants, organizations are responsible for compliance with relevant data privacy regulations.

Foremost, organizations should ensure that employees are aware of the need to inform meeting participants about the use of AI assistants and seek their consent to collect and process their personal data.

Organizations should also evaluate the data handling practices of AI assistant providers to ensure they are compliant with privacy regulations. This includes understanding how the provider handles and protects personal data, and whether it has appropriate data protection measures in place. It is also important to understand who the provider shares the collected data with, and where it is stored and transferred.

For AI assistant recordings and data generated, organizations should establish data retention and deletion policies. These policies should comply with relevant data protection laws regarding data storage and retention periods.

By taking these steps, organizations can use AI meeting assistants in a way that protects the rights of meeting participants.

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Training Employees on Secure Usage of AI Assistants

Training employees on safe usage and privacy rights is essential to mitigate the security risks associated with using AI assistants in meetings. 

Provide employees with information on the potential risks and vulnerabilities of AI assistants, and guide them on how to use them securely and compliantly. Remember that risks are not just related to data breaches involving confidential information. Employees need to understand how AI insights may become unreliable, and be trained to verify before making use of them. It is also important to train employees to identify and report any suspicious activity or potential security breaches involving AI assistants.

Keeping your trainings updated with the latest developments in the threat landscape is crucial to ensure that employees understand their rights and responsibilities as users and participants in meetings with AI assistants. With CyberCoach, it is easy to provide role-based training on all aspects of secure online meetings that is always up-to-date. 


Creating Policies for AI Assistant Use in Meetings

In order to ensure the compliant and secure use of AI assistants in meetings, organizations should have clear policies in place.

These policies should outline when it is appropriate to use AI assistants in meetings and provide guidelines on their usage. For example, policies may specify that AI assistants should not be used for discussions involving confidential information.

Policies should also address data privacy and compliance requirements. This can include guidelines on obtaining participant consent, handling personal data, and complying with relevant regulations.

Moreover, organizations should establish procedures for incident response and reporting in case of any security breaches or privacy incidents involving AI assistants. This can help ensure a timely and effective response to any potential issues.

By creating these policies together with the employees who use AI assistants for work, organizations can promote a true culture of secure use of AI assistants in meetings.


Need role-based security and privacy training for your organization?

Training for secure online meetings, compliant use of AI assistants, and more. 

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