
Guide to role-based security training for salespeople and account managers

Written by Maria Bique | Sep 5, 2024 7:19:31 AM


Discover how targeted security training can empower your sales team to build trust with customers and how we train our salespeople at CyberCoach.

Understanding the Importance of Security Training for Sales Roles

With access to sensitive customer data and critical business information, salespeople are at the frontline of your organization’s security defenses. However, cybersecurity is often overlooked in favor of hitting targets and closing deals. That’s where robust security awareness training comes in - and CyberCoach is here to help.

In an era where trust is a key component of customer relationships, ensuring that sales staff are well-versed in security protocols helps in maintaining the confidence that clients place in your business. It's not only about protecting data; it's also about protecting the company's reputation and its bottom line.

Identifying Common Security Threats for Sales Professionals

Salespeople and account managers handle vast amounts of sensitive information, from customer contact details to confidential business deals. This access makes them a lucrative target for phishing scams, social engineering attacks, and other cyber threats. The stakes are high: a single data breach can lead to significant financial losses, reputational damage, and even legal consequences.

Incorporating security awareness into the daily routine of sales teams is not just a best practice - it’s a necessity. Effective training equips sales professionals with the knowledge they need to recognize and avoid potential threats, safeguarding both their own data and that of their clients. 

How We at CyberCoach Train Our Salespeople

At CyberCoach, we don’t just preach the importance of security awareness—we eat our own dog food. Our sales team is assigned a learning path in CyberCoach that is tailored to the risks associated with customer-facing work. Here are our tips for ensuring that salespeople are equipped to handle the challenges of today’s cybersecurity landscape:

Key Security Awareness Training Areas for Sales Teams

To ensure comprehensive protection, your security awareness training program should cover the following critical areas:

1. Understanding Phishing and Quishing Attacks

Phishing remains one of the most prevalent threats to salespeople. Training should help your team recognize phishing emails, SMS ("smishing") scams, QR code scams ("quishing") and other fraudulent communications designed to extract sensitive information or install malware.

CyberCoach Tip: Engage your sales team with real-world scenario training to help them spot various types phishing attempts and help them build confidence in handling these situations.

2. Safe Data Handling Practices

Sales teams often share and store customer data across various platforms. Training should emphasize the importance of using encrypted communication channels, ensuring data is stored securely, and being mindful of data minimization principles.

CyberCoach Tip: Scenario training can also help salespeople learn how to handle sensitive information.

3. Secure Use of Mobile Devices

Given the mobile nature of sales roles, securing smartphones, tablets, and laptops is crucial. Training should cover best practices for using these devices safely, including the importance of strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and safe use of public Wi-Fi networks.

CyberCoach Tip: Remember to include travel safety training!

4. Privacy and Data Protection Regulations

Understanding legal obligations around data protection is vital for sales teams. Training should cover the basics of these regulations and how to stay compliant in day-to-day operations.

CyberCoach Tip: Our CyberCoach privacy modules are tailored to the specific needs of salespeople, ensuring they are well-versed in both global and regional privacy laws.


Want to save some time? Try out CyberCoach role-based training for
sales and account management roles, no credit card needed.